EEGLAB toolbox for brain signal processing (Theoretical and practical skills)




A. first day:

1. How to record EEG signals using Encephalan (19-channel) and open BCI devices (16-channel).




2. How to record EEG signal for driver fatigue


3. How to record EEG signal to recognize emotions.

4. How to record EEG signal to recognize motor imagery decisions.


5. How to record EEG signal while sleeping.

6. How to record signals in patients with epilepsy.

7. Encephalan software environment tutorial.



8. Open BCI software tutorial.


B. Second day:

  1. Introduce the EEGLAB Toolkit and how to attach it to MATLAB
  2. Importing EEG data in the toolbox and display it
  3.  Change channel montages and settings
  4. Import and export different data types
  5. Obtainging frequency spectrum of channels and brain mapping
  6. Introducing preprocessing tools
  7. Change the sampling rate of the signal
  8. Data filtering
  9. Change the reference channel
  10. Independent component analysis (ICA)
  11. Signal decomposition using ICA method
  12. Two-dimensional and three-dimensional display of components on the skull
  13. Check and remove the components
  14. Noise reduction using various methods provided in the EEGLAB toolbox
  15. How to record and extract event related potentials (ERP), and the importance of ERP components in medical diagnostic systems
  16. Extract OPACs for presenting events in the ERP registry
  17. Averaging OPACs to extract ERP
  18. Display ERPs in a timely manner
  19. View ERPs with two-dimensional and three-dimensional brain mappings
  20. ERP comparison for different conditions
  21. Extraction of information from the frequency spectrum of ERPs
  22. Enter a collection of data from a study in a toolbox
  23. How to work with collections (designing a preliminary study)
  24. Log into MATLAB software for more advanced processing




Dr. Tohid Yousefi Rezaii


Sobhan Sheykhivand (PhD student)


Zohreh Mousavi (PhD student)